Wednesday, December 31, 2008

This is Why you Lost All of your Money Trading in Forex

Why do YOU lose? You know why.

Because the mortgage payment is due tomorrow, so is your credit card payment and maybe even alimony. Somehow you have convinced yourself that YOU can make money FAST by trading currencies and pay your bills tomorrow. A pip here and a pip there, a little bit of cheap spread, trailing stop and a nap and you made millions. So you hopped on the first FOREX website you could find. You opened an account and 15 minutes after funding it with your nest egg the entire $1000 is almost gone.

It was "make it or break it" for you. Someone smart once said something like this: "The way of thinking that created the problem cannot be the same way of thinking to solve it".

Markets don't have a heart. Here is an old saying for you. Scared money does not make money. Here is another one. Trade with the trend. Here is even a better one. STAY AWAY FROM THE SMALL CHARTS. In fact, the GREATEST, BEST KEPT SECRET about trading is to trade in large time frames. Once you can get your head around the fact that you will NOT MAKE MILLIONS TODAY but will make money slowly, you just might start enjoying this little business of ours.
That is why you failed. You gambled when you were supposed to be running your own business. The fact remains that if you trade BIG CHARTS you will change your way of thinking and POSSIBLY MAYBE even make some money. Of course if I were you, I would get me some REAL Professional training first. Could you possibly start a car repair business tomorrow if you knew nothing about car repair? Come to think of it, perhaps you could, and that would explain a lot about why my car never runs AFTER the repair.

Believe it or not although a good technique has a lot to do with making money in trading, the most crucial element to success for a new trader is the trading time frame – which chart are you taking your trades in. I know you have been told that you can make money in 5 -10 -15 minute charts but you are being slightly misled. Although possible, it is not the easiest way, and definitely not for you until you get to an expert level. Those are the toughest time frames to trade in. Here is why.
Because there are at least 4-5 different market conditions throughout a trading day if you trade like that. They require completely different approach and some are not for trading at all. All of this thrown at you is like land mines on the road to ensure your failure.

[ForexGen Academy]

If you are an experienced ‘FOREX’ Trader or just a beginner looking for the opportunities offered in the ‘FOREX’ market, [Forexgen] has created ForexGen Academy to give you the chance to get a ‘FOREX’ education and improve your trading skills. No hard expressions, no buzz words, and no rocket science language are used throughout these lessons.
How to Get Started?

People are introduced to the exciting world of foreign exchange in many ways: friends, current events, newspapers, television, and many others. For those of you who are new to forex, the following guidelines cover the basics of currency trading.

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