Sunday, December 21, 2008

Forex Online Trading

When I started my trading career I attended a 3 day forex trading course which gave me a mere introduction to this great and fascinating money making activity.

I was given some good advice during this course but I have since found that there are more many more ways to skin a cat than sticking to hard a fast Forex trading rules. If all traders are sticking these common trading beliefs one has to ask the question why do so many fail?

One of the Golden rules of Forex trading I was told is never, but never, trade without a stoploss. I took this rule very much to heart and started trading with stops. Like most beginners my stops were way too tight and small and I got stopped out time and time again. As I gained experience and started trading the bigger price waves I started trading bigger stops. I soon realized that the bigger your stop the higher your success rate. However I also soon found out that the gains made on nine successful transactions when using big stops can very quickly be wiped out by one or two big losses. So I went through a very frustrating time when my stops were too small for my good transactions (the stops were hit and then my targets soon after) and way too big for my bad transactions (allowing big stops when the direction was totally wrong). You soon start thinking that brokers are there just to hunt your stops. This is always an emotive subject for debate amongst forex traders.

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