Thursday, January 8, 2009

AFFI Looks Forward to Working with New Congress on Food Issues

Letter to Congress Highlights AFFI Legislative Priorities

MCLEAN, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) Interim President Robert L. Garfield urged Members of the 111th Congress to address critical food safety and nutrition issues that impact the daily lives of all Americans. Garfield expressed interest in working with all Legislators to ensure Americans continue to enjoy the safest food supply in the world, and have access to frozen food in all federal nutrition programs. In his letter to Congress, he outlined three of this year’s top legislative priorities for the frozen food industry. Following is an excerpt of Garfield’s letter:

“There are…issues regarding the quality and integrity of the nation’s food supply that require your attention. As you are aware, the federal government plays a pivotal role in ensuring Americans’ access to safe, affordable and healthy foods. Simply stated, frozen foods are among the safest, most economical and nutritious foods available to consumers, and should be included in all federal nutrition programs.

“Below is a brief overview of the legislative priorities AFFI has identified as fundamental toward ensuring all Americans have access to safe, affordable, and nutritious food products:
“FDA Funding – …In recent years, public financial commitment, in the form of appropriations from Congress, has eroded as a percentage of FDA’s overall budget. AFFI urges Congress to increase funding for FDA, especially for its food-related programs.

“Food Safety – Providing the American consumer with a food product that is both safe and satisfying is the business of AFFI’s members, and we support domestic and imported food safety legislation based on sound science and careful research. AFFI and its members support a pragmatic approach to food and import safety regulation that relies on industry safeguards and allows FDA the flexibility to respond to emerging risks in a manner that most efficiently utilizes the agency’s precious resources.

“Nutrition – …While frozen foods are used to meet the needs of many citizens requiring nutrition assistance, frozen fruits and vegetables remain excluded from some federal feeding programs - despite the value, quality and oftentimes superior nutritional benefits that frozen fruits and vegetables offer over raw produce. AFFI strongly supports the inclusion of frozen foods in all federal nutrition programs.”
The American Frozen Food Institute is the national trade association that promotes and represents the interests of all segments of the frozen food industry. AFFI fosters industry development and growth, advocates on behalf of the industry before legislative and regulatory entities, and provides additional value-added services for its members and for the benefit of consumers

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