Friday, November 28, 2008

ForexGen | Some Other Key Points To Consider When Looking For A Forex Broker

the forex broker review can either be individuals or agencies who will do their best to help you profit from the market and cover the risk of the investment that you made. You Forex trading will largely depend upon your broker as he or she will help you to succeed in the Forex market.
The broker does several things: helps you to manage your accounts, executes your orders and keeps you informed of market trends. You will need to take a look at the the forex broker review before you decide to choose a broker
If you have Internet access, then you will find many website that suggest the forex broker review . Some of the important things to know is what the minimum amount is to open an account, will there be any commission charges, etc.

You must make sure that your Forex broker has the right qualifications. Now that your list has been narrowed, it is time to research your choices. One good idea is to send some e-mails out to your customer service people and see how long it takes for them to respond.
When considering a forex broker review , find out just how fast it takes him to execute an order.
You should also find out how much slippage you can expect.
1. Available currency pairs - Each forex broker will have, at the minimum, the seven major currencies.
2. Transaction costs - The forex broker is paid based on the bid ask spread. There should be no other hidden charges or fees. If the spread is smaller, that means it is better for you. Pip spreads vary from broker to broker so do some competitive shopping.
3. Free analysis tools - You will need to have some charts and technical analysis tools to be able to spot trends and plan your entry and exit points. Most brokers offer their basic services at no charge. If you require something over and beyond the basic service, there may be an additional charge.
4. Immediate execution of orders - You will need a broker who will be able to consistently execute your trade swiftly.
5. Superior customer service - If you need assistance, your forex broker review should respond quickly and efficiently to any question that you may have. Representatives should be available around the clock either by telephone or e-mail.
6. Margin requirement - If you want to have more leverage, choose a low margin requirement. You can use margin to your advantage to produce huge profits.
7. Minimum account balance - Since you are a small individual investor, you must try to find a forex broker review who does not require a hefty balance to open an account.
8. User-friendly trading platform - Before deciding to go with one particular broker, choose a few forex brokers and ask to sign up for a free demo account.
You would do well to trade with play money while you are deciding which broker and which program works best for you.

Why ForexGen?

1. Lowest spreads in the market with 0-1 pips in 10 pairs, no commissions, no swaps and instant account Activation.
2. Scandinavian quality with Swiss precision, funds secured and local agents in 18+ countries.
3. ForexGen offers Forex trading in the major currency pairs and crosses.
4. Low capital start, with $250 as a minimum account size.
5. Liquidity and 24/5 availability are the characteristic factors of the Forex market compared with other financial markets.
6. ForexGen offers a free trial Forex demo account that allows you to test your skills and practice without risking real money.

ForexGen | learn about online trading, brush up on bond basics and brokerage terms, learn the basics, and read the latest news and information about

The forex broker review is unique in that traders can access a 24-hour market very conveniently, without having to wait for the markets to open. At any time, there is always a major financial center open where banks, hedge funds, corporations, and individual speculators are trading currencies. Traders can trade during anytime of the day or night, and do not have to wait for any markets to be opened before placing their trades. This is particularly beneficial to people who hold nine-to-five jobs since they can trade it without any problems in the evening or night. The market runs 24 hours for 5.5 days a week because markets around the world open and close at different times. In stock or futures markets, you can only actively trade for less than 7 hours a day.

Choosing a good FX forex broker review can be as complex as Forex trading itself. For this reason you need to do your background work as tightly as you would (if not more so in fact) for a really big trade. Here are some tips to keep in mind to make your research and choice easier.
In the U.S., any worthwhile the forex broker review will be registered as a Futures Commercial Merchant (FCM) with the CFTC (Commodities Futures Trading Commission). Finding one doesn’t end the need for research, it’s just the bare minimum you should require.
Since Forex trades are highly leveraged (in effect, the forex broker review ‘lends’ an investor up to 99% of the money required to make a trade), the broker you select should be associated with a firm with deep pockets.
Forex accounts are not FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) insured, so you can not expect the U.S. government, or any other authority to bail out the broker firm or repay you if the market turns critically downward. Large institutions, with ample capital to withstand downturns in the market, and rapid drains on their deposits if clients withdraw en masse, are crucial to your financial peace of mind.

Beyond those rock bottom basics there are many options.
Since the Forex markets trade 24 hours per day all around the world, you may want to trade after normal business hours in your home country. Whether your broker resides in the same country (usually, for language and legal reasons) or not, you want one who will pick up the phone when you call.
Forex trading has moved into the Internet age, but it is still very much a phone-based business. Getting a broker on the phone at any time of the day or night can mean the difference between profit and loss. Sometimes, big profit or loss.
Since Forex brokers don’t work off standard commissions the way stock or bond brokers do, you need to research the firm’s spreads. Forex trading is always done in currency pairs. A spread is the difference between the bid and ask price - what the broker pays to buy versus the amount they sell a currency for.
Some brokers offer fixed spreads on some or all trades. This has the advantage of predictability. It’s a kind of fixed ‘commission’. But that may or may not suit your trading style or your budget, since they tend to be larger than variable spreads.
All brokers will offer a “standard” account to a qualified budget proven client. Typically you have to fill out an application form that states you have adequate capital and understand the risks involved in Forex trading. Standard accounts trade currency in standard lots of 100,000 units. You can’t buy 100 euros for $150, you have to buy 100,000 euros.
Since that’s a very large investment for the average trader, brokers offer leverage. Professional traders use leverage as well, of course. So basically you put in, say 1% of the total, the broker covers the 99%. That has huge profit (or loss) potential, but it entails significant risk. So be aware of a broker’s margin call policy.

Many brokers today will offer some form of ‘mini’ account. Instead of trading in standard lots, they trade in smaller units, such as 10,000. This lowers the investment required from, say $2,500 to only $250. Most clients can easily meet that minimum.
But that lower leverage requirement limits the potential for profits. That may or may not suit your investment needs. Only you can decide.
You’ll want a broker with software that provides you with the research and other trading tools you will need to be effective in Forex trading. the forex broker review investing is much more complex and volatile than even stock or bond trading, which is already not simple when done well.

Be sure to use the trial accounts offered and make several ‘fake’ trades in order to test out the software and research available. You need real-time prices - the forex broker review moves very fast - and lots of technical and fundamental analysis information at your fingertips.
There are websites and forums where specific brokers are discussed, but take what’s said there with a grain of salt. Just as with complaints about vendors on eBay or Amazon and other large Internet trading arenas, a few bad remarks shouldn’t ruin the reputation of honorable brokers.
Beyond all that, the factors become a little more difficult to judge. Above everything, you want to feel you trust the person on the other end of the line. They are not there to be your friend or listen to personal complaints or trade tips. But you should get the sense that they are competent, professional and ethical.
Take your time to research. After all, your decision will affect ALL your trades

ForexGen provides a unique online trading experience based on our intelligent online Forex trading package, the ForexGen Trading Station, including the best online trading system.
ForexGen serves both private and institutional clients. We have a strong commitment to maintain a long term relationship with our clients.

ForexGen | Does Your Forex Broker Immediately Offset Positions With Their Clearing House Or Do They Actively Take Positions On The Other Side Of Their

Remember even if the forex broker review passes the transaction on to a clearing house or clearing broker, your forex broker review is your only counter party. You trade EUR/USD. You buy, broker sells. You win, broker loses. You lose, broker wins. We have shown you in the leverage in forex example that it is a good business model for the forex broker review to take the opposite side of a trade of a highly leveraged speculator and that based on statistics those highly leveraged speculators generally lose.

Find a broker where you can trade with low leverage, definitely lower than 300:1 or the ridiculous ratios like 500:1. Those brokers offering high leverage have a business model established primarily for transferring wealth from their clients accounts into theirs and are not looking after YOUR interest. Remember also that there is a big difference between the minimum margin required and leverage. If you don't understand these concepts you are at risk. Nothing a broker offers in terms of technology, charts, news, training, narrow spreads, interest on unused margin or any of the many tricks the marketing wizards play will save you from the peril of too highly geared trading.
Dealing desk brokers (market makers) also do not allow for scalping in forex trading. (See our Forex Scalping Strategy page for an explanation of scalping and examples of forex scalping systems and methods).
Lastly enquire whether the forex broker review is a small independent entrepreneurial firm or is it part of a larger financial group? If the firm is part of a large financial group it is possible that many of the risks associated with a smaller firm do not come into play. It is also possible for your broker in such case to indeed offset all trades with "mother ship", thereby limiting the riks of "running stops", which may sometimes be to your disadvantage.

Non Dealing Desk Forex Brokers
Is there an alternative to the dealing desk broker? Yes. Your success in trading does not have to be tied to the good will of your sponsoring broker and the restrictions of an artificial market created and controlled by the sponsoring the forex broker review . You can trade currencies the same way brokers do through the forex broker review - through a non-trading, non-dealing desk. Instead of trading against a single broker, you can trade on-exchange against banks, institutional investors, and FCM’s through a disinterested broker who’s income is defined by a nominal transaction (commission) that is limited to a single pip per round turn.
Dealing Desk brokers advertise "zero commission" trading on their websites to promote a supposed benefit when in fact this is not how they make money. They make money through the spreads they charge clients and which (if you have had some experience in the past with them) you would know that they tend to jump unexpectedly in certain times. With a non-dealing desk broker, the fees (commission) they charge are fully transparent and stated upfront. the forex broker review is decidedly less than what you pay trading against a broker who controls pricing, can spike your trades and offer quotes whatever may suit them.

To learn more about the advantages of trading through a non-dealing desk forex broker and why its becoming a very popular option for serious traders, see here: Non-Dealing Desk Forex Trading. FX is now offering "mini" accounts through a non dealing desk as well and you can sign up for a FREE DEMO account. You will also find there some interesting and useful education tools worth checking out.

ForexGen Demo Accounts Contest

Win Cash Prizes
ForexGen has the pleasure to announce the launching of the Demo Account contest on the first of every month.

ForexGen | North Finance Reviews

North Finance has been on the market since 2001. North Finance addressed at Lymasol Cyprus; however, North Finance registered at Belize. Like two sides of coin, this forex broker

review two different sides, bad and good side. North Finance's good side is competitive spread, easy new account opening, small minimal capital, easy deposit and withdrawal operation, interesting leverage, free Meta trader trading platform, good customer support, bank guarantee, swap free policy, IB business opportunity, trading varieties. North Finance is not good at news matter, no news tab in this broker's Meta trader, and busy server at news release.
this forex broker review the spread is quite interesting; begin from 2 up to 10 pips in the news time and no commission. It is very easy to begin trading in North Finance, you can open account within 10 minutes from all over the world through the internet. The minimum capital to start forex trading in North Finance is $100; moreover, no minimal deposit and withdrawal at this forex broker, you also do not have to pay charge in deposit and withdrawal operation in North Finance. This forex broker review deposit via wire and electronic payment (e-gold). Credit leverage in this forex broker is very attractive, especially for low capital trader; begin from 1:1 up to 1:500.

This forex broker review Meta trader, instant execution and quotation system with eleven different languages. However, regrettably, North Finance's Meta trader does not support news that is one of important factor in forex trading. North Finance also support mobile trading; you can download Meta trader mobile freely at this forex broker review. North Finance is very good in customer support; you can access customer support 24 hours 5 business days lively on North Finance live chat. In conclusion, North Finance can be very considered as a good forex broker. This forex broker review one of good choice when you decide to start forex trading.

Why ForexGen?

1. Lowest spreads in the market with 0-1 pips in 10 pairs, no commissions, no swaps and instant account Activation.
2. Scandinavian quality with Swiss precision, funds secured and local agents in 18+ countries.
3. ForexGen offers Forex trading in the major currency pairs and crosses.
4. Low capital start, with $250 as a minimum account size.
5. Liquidity and 24/5 availability are the characteristic factors of the Forex market compared with other financial markets.
6. ForexGen offers a free trial Forex demo account that allows you to test your skills and practice without risking real money.

ForexGen | the Online Forex Trading Reviews can Satisfy your Needs

People that are very keen on knowing how Forex trading is done should consult broker reviews – here they will find all their answers. Most online Forex trading
reviews can answer their questions regarding things such as softwares used, guides or courses. An increasing number of people is very interested in entering Foreign exchange trading
, believing there is big time money in that.

There is so much out there to learn about the Forex in order to trade traditionally. Before they were introduced to the Forex most people barely even knew what it was all about. Being introduced to revolutionary systems has changed their lives – consulting online Forex broker reviews, trying free demos, managing their accounts – all these have turned them into successful brokers.
Different people think different systems are the best when it comes to trading on the Forex. However, besides reading the online Forex broker reviews you should take advantage of the free trial so you can experience for yourself how it works – this is one of the smartest ways beginners can trade in the market.

forex Broker reviews advise people to turn to systems that can ease their work. For instance, a very good system would be one where:
- The automated system does the trading for you;
-There are no charts, no graphs and no guesswork;
-You spend up to 20 minutes per week managing your account;
-You can structure your trading to buy low/sell high;
- You can collect daily interest on leveraged money;
-You have full, 100% control over your money.

Such systems do most of the work for you, so that you can spend a minimum amount of time managing your account. Although you are managing your account hands – on, you will not learn about the market easily. The Forex broker reviews may advertise such systems, but you should know they will not be much help if you want to learn by doing everything yourself. If you are such a person you should look for more detailed Forex guides.
You should keep in mind there is one problem when it comes to choosing a system: virtually every platform has someone warning you it is a scam. forex Broker reviews can guide you to safe systems; they usually rate them having in mind the ease of use regarding limits, stops, fast trade execution etc. But please remember that different people may want different things from a certain system, so the best thing to do is try it, as we have previously mentioned it.

There are people who think you do not need software, but you need to spend a little of your precious time doing your own research on different sites, learning about the Forex market and how it works. These are the same people that say that most of those software presentations are scams because they use indicators that you can easily get from any basic trade station. What they don’t say is something forex broker reviews say: that such software is meant to be used by beginners and by people who do not have the time or the patience to fully understand the market.

ForexGen Claim Your Bonus
Special Promotion for New Clients
Free cash bonus when you open your new live account withen the next 30 days. You will recieve a FREE cash bonus which will be added to your trading account. The cash bonus depends on the account type you open.

Account Type Free Cash Bonus
Mini Account 10% of your deposit maximum $250
Standard Account 10% of your deposit maximum $500

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

ForexGen | Insider Tips to Choosing the Best Forex Broker:

Having the best Forex broker to help you trade at the Forex market is very crucial. Without a competent Forex broker, your trading efforts could lead to disastrous results. This is especially true if you’re just starting to venture into online Forex trading. You will need all the help you can get to grasp the intricacies of trading currencies.
When you trade at the Forex market, there are many things you need to learn. First, you have to familiarize yourself with the trading platform of your Forex broker. Second, you need to understand how to open and close your trade and set different trading limits. Most importantly, you need to know how to wisely choose which currency pair will be most lucrative to trade.

It is important therefore to find a Forex broker capable of providing superior customer support services. It should be able to give such services 24/7 because the Forex market never sleeps. Several communication channels must be made available for you. This should include live chat, email ticket, VoIP, and telephone support. The combination of online and offline support is crucial so you can contact your broker anytime and anywhere.
The best Forex broker should also be able to provide you with tons of resources to study the ins and outs of the Forex market. Such materials could be in the form of professional articles, downloadable e-books, video tutorials, podcasts, and online webinars. You will need these kinds of Forex resources to understand the basics of trading. These can also develop your skills in Forex trading so you may know advanced trading techniques. Later, you can devise your own strategy based on the resources provided by your broker.

You need to find out also the extent of leverage that can be provided by the Forex broker. Leverage is the ratio between your capital and the actual amount that you can trade with. The best broker will be able to give you flexible trading leverages. This is important so you can choose the level of risk you are willing to take. By giving you wide leveraging, you will be able to amplify your seed capital and trade big time at the market.

The pip spread value is also an important factor that can be used in choosing the best Forex broker. Your broker should be able to provide several ranges of spread values so you can execute your trade flexibly. Pip spread values are dependent on market activity. If the Forex market is a bit bearish, then the pip spread would be small. But if market activity becomes frenzied, pip spread values could be very high. If you have several choices of spread values, you will be able to determine what to take based on market sentiment.
Choosing the best Forex broker is not really difficult. Simply go to websites that provide broker comparisons and reviews. There are numerous reputable brokers which could really help you at the Forex market. All you have to do is to search diligently and compare the services of several Forex brokers.

Why ForexGen?
  • Lowest spreads in the market with 0-1 pips in 10 pairs, no commissions, no swaps and instant account Activation.
  • Scandinavian quality with Swiss precision, funds secured and local agents in 18+ countries.
  • ForexGen offers Forex trading in the major currency pairs and crosses.
  • Low capital start, with $250 as a minimum account size.
  • Liquidity and 24/5 availability are the characteristic factors of the Forex market compared with other financial markets.
  • ForexGen offers a free trial Forex demo account that allows you to test your skills and practice without risking real money.

ForexGen | Can the Online Forex Trading Reviews Satisfy your Needs?

People that are very keen on knowing how Forex trading is done should consult broker reviews – here they will find all their answers. Most online Forex trading
reviews can answer their questions regarding things such as softwares used, guides or courses. An increasing number of people is very interested in entering Foreign exchange trading, believing there is big time money in that.
There is so much out there to learn about the Forex in order to trade traditionally. Before they were introduced to the Forex most people barely even knew what it was all about. Being introduced to revolutionary systems has changed their lives – consulting online Forex trading reviews, trying free demos, managing their accounts – all these have turned them into successful brokers.

Different people think different systems are the best when it comes to trading on the Forex. However, besides reading the online Forex trading reviews you should take advantage of the 15-Day free trial so you can experience for yourself how it works – this is one of the smartest ways beginners can trade in the market.
Broker reviews advise people to turn to systems that can ease their work. For instance, a very good system would be one where:
The automated system does the trading for you;
  • There are no charts, no graphs and no guesswork;
  • You spend up to 20 minutes per week managing your account;
  • You can structure your trading to buy low/sell high;
  • You can collect daily interest on leveraged money;
  • You have full, 100% control over your money.
Such systems do most of the work for you, so that you can spend a minimum amount of time managing your account. Although you are managing your account hands – on, you will not learn about the market easily. The online Forex trading reviews may advertise such systems, but you should know they will not be much help if you want to learn by doing everything yourself. If you are such a person you should look for more detailed Forex guides.

You should keep in mind there is one problem when it comes to choosing a system: virtually every platform has someone warning you it is a scam. Broker reviews can guide you to safe systems; they usually rate them having in mind the ease of use regarding limits, stops, fast trade execution etc. But please remember that different people may want different things from a certain system, so the best thing to do is try it, as we have previously mentioned it.
There are people who think you do not need software, but you need to spend a little of your precious time doing your own research on different sites, learning about the Forex market and how it works. These are the same people that say that most of those software presentations are scams because they use indicators that you can easily get from any basic trade station. What they don’t say is something all broker reviews say: that such software is meant to be used by beginners and by people who do not have the time or the patience to fully understand the market.

ForexGen customer satisfaction is our major objective. To reach our business goals, we strive to put our client's goals in focus. We highly value our clients and always aim to exceed their expectations and cross the limitations encountered by the sophistication of the Forex trading industry.

ForexGen | Broker Review

Understanding the Risks Involved in Foreign Exchange Trading:
No matter what the status of the economy is, the foreign exchange market
still remains to be one of the most volatile and highly liquid financial markets in the world. To have a deeper understanding of what the foreign exchange market is all about, here is a brief definition of the term. Foreign exchange or forex refers to the trading of one currency for another. Did you know that this type of financial market averages $3 trillion in currency traded a day? Based from this staggering amount alone, you can clearly see why investors and all the other financial institutions would be tempted to dip their hands into the foreign exchange market. Now, if you are a beginner in foreign exchange trading, what are the things that you need to remember about forex trading system? How can you use forex broker reviews to your advantage? More importantly, what are the risks that you need to take if you are involved in the foreign exchange market?

Let us address these forex-related questions one at a time. First, what are the things that you need to remember about the forex trading system that you should use? Basically, this is the primary tool used by investors and traders who would like to take a part of the financial success brought about by the foreign exchange market. When looking for the best forex trading system, take into consideration the success rate of the system itself. This is when forex broker reviews online have proven to be helpful. When you check out these online reviews, you would know whether the forex trading system will tell you when and how to enter and exit a forex trade. You would also have an idea about the quality of support that you will get by subscribing to a particular forex trading system.

As you can see, consulting the online forex broker reviews is an important part of your success in forex trading. Now, after taking a look at the forex broker review sites to determine which broker will give you your money's worth in forex trading, the next thing that you should take into consideration are the risks involved in the foreign exchange market. Just as it is with any other type of financial market, there are risks involved in forex trading. This is where forex broker reviews come in handy. The live forex chat sites and forums will give you an idea about the things that you should watch out for when dealing with the foreign exchange market.

One of the risks involved in forex trading is the fact that despite the fact that it is a 24/7 market – it is almost impossible to monitor the currencies by the minute. Another risk that you need to take is that even if the principle behind forex trading seems to be quite simple, you do need to learn about the ins and outs of the market before it can turn out to be a financial success. At the end of the day, entering the foreign exchange market with an open mind and heart will give you a better forex trading experience overall.

ForexGen White Labels
Forex White Label partnership allows the trader a quick access to the online foreign currency exchange market.

ForexGen provides two types of trading White Label partnerships, a limited and a full solution. ForexGen different types of forex White Label partners are able to access ForexGen's trading platform entirely branded under each partner's unique company image and name. We provide a customizable online trading platform for the different types of the two White Label solutions.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Forexgen|Can the Online Forex Trading Reviews Satisfy your Needs?

People that are very keen on knowing how Forex trading
is done should consult broker reviews – here they will find all their answers. Most online Forex trading
reviews can answer their questions regarding things such as softwares used, guides or courses. An increasing number of people is very interested in entering Foreign exchange trading
, believing there is big time money in that.

There is so much out there to learn about the Forex in order to trade traditionally. Before they were introduced to the Forex most people barely even knew what it was all about. Being introduced to revolutionary systems has changed their lives – consulting online Forex trading reviews, trying free demos, managing their accounts – all these have turned them into successful brokers.

Different people think different systems are the best when it comes to trading on the Forex. However, besides reading the online Forex trading reviews you should take advantage of the 15-Day free trial so you can experience for yourself how it works – this is one of the smartest ways beginners can trade in the market.

Broker reviews advise people to turn to systems that can ease their work. For instance, a very good system would be one where:
  1. - The automated system does the trading for you;
  2. -There are no charts, no graphs and no guesswork;
  3. -You spend up to 20 minutes per week managing your account;
  4. -You can structure your trading to buy low/sell high;
  5. - You can collect daily interest on leveraged money;
  6. -You have full, 100% control over your money.

Such systems do most of the work for you, so that you can spend a minimum amount of time managing your account. Although you are managing your account hands – on, you will not learn about the market easily. The online Forex trading reviews may advertise such systems, but you should know they will not be much help if you want to learn by doing everything yourself. If you are such a person you should look for more detailed Forex guides.

You should keep in mind there is one problem when it comes to choosing a system: virtually every platform has someone warning you it is a scam. Broker reviews can guide you to safe systems; they usually rate them having in mind the ease of use regarding limits, stops, fast trade execution etc. But please remember that different people may want different things from a certain system, so the best thing to do is try it, as we have previously mentioned it.

There are people who think you do not need software, but you need to spend a little of your precious time doing your own research on different sites, learning about the Forex market and how it works. These are the same people that say that most of those software presentations are scams because they use indicators that you can easily get from any basic trade station. What they don’t say is something all broker reviews say: that such software is meant to be used by beginners and by people who do not have the time or the patience to fully understand the market.

Forexgen Customer Agreement

ForexGen presents specialized Forex online trading services. We support trading in variable currency pairs, available services 24 hours a day most of the week. Real time prices are supplied to facilitate the trading and make it more quick and efficient. Our trading terms & conditions are the most competitive trading terms & conditions for various trading kinds which represent our appreciation to every client starting from the smallest customers. ForexGen is re-setting professional trading technology, by a continuously tracing the competence offers and modifying our trading conditions and provided platforms.